Mr. Vijay Prasad Jayshwal

Assistant Professor





Vijay Prasad Jayshwal (Attorney at Law)





  1. LLM, Master of Criminal Law and Justice (Substantive criminal law, restorative justice, development criminology, green criminology, religious extremism and criminal law violence, fair trial and human rights, security laws, investment perspectives of criminal law), Purbanchal University, Nepal, (2015-2017).
  2. LLB, Bachelor’s of Law (International Law, International Relations, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, Domestic Policies and Foreign Affairs, Political Economics, Conflict Peace and Development and Public Administration) Purbanchal University,  Nepal, (2009-2015)


Employment record relevant to the assignment:



Employing Organization

September 2021


Assistant Professor of Law, Tribhuvan University Faculty of Law, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.


August 2018- August 2021

Lecturer of Law, Kathmandu University School of Law, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal


August 2021- December 2021

Visiting faculty, Kathmandu University School of Law, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal

August 2021- November 2021

Lead Researcher, “Law making Development at Provincial Level in Nepal since adoption of Federal Structure” Kathmandu University School of Law

January 2018- August 2021

Program Coordinator at Himal Innovative and Development Research Private Ltd, Kathmandu.

January 2015- August 2017

Teaching faculty, Kathmandu School of Law, Purbanchal University, Nepal.

June 2015- September 2015

Research Assistant to Fulbright Professor, Envy Wilson, Louisiana University, United States of America on project, Justice System in Nepal

August 2015- September 2017

Research Assistant, National Institute of Contemporary Studies Pvt.Ltd.

August 2017- December 2018

Visiting Faculty Member, Master in International Cooperation and Development, Mid-Western University, Surkhet, Nepal.

Aug  2014- December 2015

Teaching Assistant, Kathmandu School of Law, Purbanchal University, Nepal.

Jan 2021- March 2021

Country Reporter, Jagaran Nepal “ Religious Extremism and Covid 19 Nexus in Nepal”


April 2014-Augusy 2021


Vice-President at Society for International Law and Public Policy

Jan 2020- Feb 2021


Team Member “Study for the implementation of International Obligation to Government of Nepal for the purpose of submitting the Universal Periodic Report (UPR)”, Kathmandu School of Law.

Dec 2020-Dec 2020

Assistant Consultant to Preparation of Shadow Report “National Disability Laws and Polices for Implementation of International Obligation to Government of Nepal”, NFDN, Nepal.

Mar 2016- July 2016

Law and policy development at the provincial level in province no.2, Kathmandu School of Law.


May 2016-June-207


Faculty Member, Chankay School of Management, Bhakatur, Nepal.

Nov 2011-Dec 2013

Secondary Level teacher at  Pasupati Siksha Mandir, under graduate school, Birgunj


Membership in Professional Associations and Publications:

  1. Legal advisor- Scholastic Foundation, Nepal
  2. Legal advisor- Journal of Ayurveda, Nepal
  3. Vice-President- Society for International Law and Public Policy
  4. Coordinator -Amnesty International Youth Network
  5. Member, Nepal Bar Council
  6. Member, Patan High Court, Nepal
  7. Member , United Nation Youth Students Association , Nepal
  8. Member, International Humanist Ethical Youth Union
  9. Member, Society of Environment and Education Development
  10. Member, Nepalese Law Students Association
  11. Member, National Society of Nepalese Jurists
  12. Member, Madhesh Human Rights Eyes


Paper presented, Conference and Seminar

  1. Davao’s University (Philippines)
  2. Pasundan University (Indonesia)
  3. Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
  4. NUST University (Pakistan)
  5. Fatima Jinnah Women’s University, (Pakistan)
  6. Z.H. Skidder University of Science and Technology (Bangladesh)
  7. Delhi University (India, New Delhi)
  8. Indra Gandhi National Open University (Delhi)
  9. Banarash Hindu University (Uttar Pradesh)
  10. National University of Juridical Science (NUJS, Kolkata)
  11. Osmania University (Hyderabad)
  12. R.P.Girls of Political Science (Merrut, UP)
  13. Symbiosis University (Pune), ILS Center (Pune)
  14. Indian Society of International Law (New Delhi)
  15. Agarsar Autumn School (Dharmasalas, Himanchal)
  16. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth and Development (Tamilndau)
  17. Amity University (Lucknow)
  18. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture (Pantnagar, UP)
  19. Chandigarh Group of College (Chandigarh)
  20. Rajiv Gandhi National law University (Patiala, Punjab)
  21. Lloyd Law College (Greater Noida)
  22. Christ University (Bangalore)
  23. Oxford University and Cambridge University (UK)_Webinar.
  24. East –West University (Bangladesh), and others.



  1. Re-orienting ‘Exclusionary aspects’ of Genocide Convention and Reflections in Muluki Criminal Code 2074 of Nepal, NJA Nepal, 2019.
  2. Sui-generis Protection of ‘Right to water’ of Indigenous Community in Nepal, Purbanchal University Research Journal, 2019.
  3. Concept of Genocide and Relevant Provisions in the New Criminal Code Act, 2017 of Nepal, Prosecution Journal, 2018.
  4. ESCR in Nepalese Constitution :Political Hymn or Tangible Rights, Resource Book, 2018, OAG, Nepal
  5. Engineering the gender in transitional justice: issues of sexual violence, Nepal Bar Council Law Journal, 2018.
  6. Preemptive Military Intervention of Big Powers Chaotic New Order Syndrome & Challenges of International Law, edited book, 2018.
  7. Locating the position of Nepal in Refugee and Statelessness Governance: An International law perspectives, 2017, NJA Nepal
  8. Diminishing role of state in regional identities : Non-state actors involvement in international law and practices, Nepal Bar Council Journal 2017.
  9. Growth and Environmental Sustainability (Disaster, Energy, Climate Change and Natural Resources " A regional Initiative in SAARC, Pasundan University, Indonesia, 2017
  10. Revisiting Nepal’s foreign Policy, edited book, 2017.
  11. Defining the Province of Secularism Edulight Multi- Disciplinary, BI-annual & Peerreviewed Journal Vol 2 Jan 2016
  12. Responsibility to Protect : A case study of Libya, Syria and Afghanistan Edulight MultiDisciplinary, BI-annual & Peer-reviewed Print Journal Vol 2 April 2016
  13. Human Rights and Displacement, edited book, 2016.
  14. Illusionary conflict of responsibility to protect v right to intervention: Jurisprudential outlook, 2016, Nepal Bar Council Journal.
  15. Revisiting the Doctrine of Necessity: Constituent Assembly of Nepal and its Time Extension to avoid Constitutional uncertainty – University of Gadjah Mada (Indonesia) Mimbar Hukum Journal Vol 27 1 Feb 2015
  16. Responding the Quest for External Self Determination and its possibility of Application in light of International Law with study of Southern Conflict (Madhesh) of NepalEdulight Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal based on Kolkata
  17. ACCESS TO NATURAL RESOURCESS TO VULNERBALE AND MARGINALIZED COMMUNITY OF NEPAL- Analytical Perspective – Edulight Multi- Disciplinary, BIannual & Peer-reviewed Journal Vol 2 September 2013
  18. RIGHTS WITH EMERGING DISCOURSE ON NEW INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ORDER: Paradigm shifting to MDGs- Edulight Multi- Disciplinary, Bi-annual & Peerreviewed Journal Vol 3 may 2014
  20. Understanding of Secularism Means Enhancing Humanism – Shaping a Drudgery- free World, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology
  21. Strengthening the Foreign Policy of Nepal in the Regional Level- Edulight MultiDisciplinary, BI-annual & Peer-reviewed Journal Vol 3 May 2014
  22. Unplanned Urbanization: A Serious Threat to Sustainable Development and Human Rights: A Case Study of Kathmandu valley - Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research Center, Delhi 2014
  23. Equality by Laws and Inequality by Practices: reflection on the issues of Untouchability – Society of Humanism and International Humanist Ethical Union in World Congress Against Untouchability 2014
  24. Practice of Untochability: A Grave Human Rights Violation ( An overview)- Indian Renaissance Institute, the Radical Humanist
  25. Nepal and China Bilateral Ties: Ray of Development for Nepal (An Appraisal)- Banarsh Hindu University with association of Indian Chinese Studies
  26. Critical Analysis of Global Action Plan (2014-24) to End Statelessness person from World”- WEST BENGAL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF JURIDICAL SCIENCE 2015
  27. Responsibility to Protect: An excuse of International law of Intervention ( A case study of Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan- World Congress on International Law 2015
  28. Internal Conflict defeating to Establishment of Regional Human Rights Mechanism in SAARC Region- Rajiv Gandhi National Law University (Patiala),Chandigarh 2014
  29. Indo-US Relations: Global and Regional Strategic Perspective (Nepal’s Perspective)- Rajiv Gandhi National Law University (Patiala),Chandigarh 2015
  30. State Responsibility for Global Climate Change: A Case Study of Nepal with Special Focus on Displacements of Indigenous Groups- Campus Law Center, University of Delhi 2014
  31. Reconciliation of Intellectual Proprietary Interests in Genetic and Traditional Knowledge and Access to Benefit Sharing: Case study of Nepal’s Intellectual Property RegimeAURO University
  32. A Study to analyze the Anti-Thesis of Generation Theory of Human Rights and their relevancy for the practical realization of Human Rights Approach Doctrine- National Judicial Academy Law Journal Vol 6, 2013
  34. Migration of Youth for the Educational Purposes: Complications and Opportunities – Nepal Youth Journal, Vol1, 2016.
  35. SDG, Youth and Poverty: Study of Relevant Laws and Policies- Nepal Youth Journal, Vol2, 2017.


Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):


Level of Proficiency





























Contact information:

(e-mail [email protected] (P)/ [email protected] (O)

Phone No. (Cell): (977)-9860675231